Myvitamins Collagen Powder
What Is Myvitamins Collagen Powder?
Myvitamins Collagen Powder is a source of type I and III collagen, which can be added to shakes, smoothies, and bakes. Our fruity flavours can also simply be enjoyed when mixed with water.
It contains hydrolysed collagen, which is a form of collagen that has been broken down into smaller particles. This increases its bio-availability, meaning it easier for our bodies to process and absorb than other forms of collagen.
Why Use A Collagen Supplement?
There are 5 types of collagen, which are each integral to certain parts of our body. Type I and III make up our skin, for example, whereas type II forms our cartilage. Our body’s ability to produce these types declines as we age, so supplements can help to restore natural levels.
Expertly formulated into an unflavoured powder, our collagen contain a mixture of type 1 and type 3 collagen derived from Bovine.
What Works Well With Collagen?
Collagen powder, which is part of our unique performance range, can be added to drinks, shakes, and smoothies to help to restore your natural levels and support the health of your joints. Try adding some vitamin C powder too, which can help to help to support the absorption of collagen.1
1. Vitamin C contributes to normal collagen formation for the normal function of skin.
Добавете 1 лъжица (20g/23g) към 200ml вода, консумирайте само веднъж на ден.
ВАЖНА ИНФОРМАЦИЯ: да се съхранява на сухо и хладно място, далеч от пряка слънчева светлина. Този продукт е предназначен да се използва при водене на активен начин на живот и балансирано хранене. Не е подходящ за вегетарианци.
БЕЗ АРОМАТ: Хидролизирани телешки колагенови пептиди (100%).
АРОМАТ НА ГРОЗДЕ: Хидролизирани телешки колагенови пептиди (87%), ароматизант, киселина (лимонена киселина), оцветител (червено цвекло), подсладител (сукралоза), екстракт от спирулина, трехалоза дихидрат (трехалозата е източник на глюкоза).
АЛЕРГЕНИ: Може да съдържа мляко.
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